10.   Forkfoots Farm - Site of.

The stones on image mark the site of the Forkfoots Farm House.   It was located at the confluence of the Glenrusco and Westerhope burns.  Since this photograph was taken the surrounding trees have been clear felled.   Map of 1856 below shows the layout of the farm.  



The  sheepfolds (stells) are still there shown below and lower right.   Below lower left is photograph of the draw well site where different colour of vegetation and faint vestiges of a surrounding wall indicate site of well -  the dog is on the site.   In the background the vestiges of the enclosure, shown on the map, on the other side of the burn is evident among the trees.




 The shepherd's cottage with an enclosure shown on the left of the above map was devasted during afforestation - and not much remains.   What is remaining is the rowan tree that stood at the edge of the property to safe guard the residence from evil spirits.   The tree is still there but it is struggling for light as the pine trees around grow taller. 







In the records a Samuel Anderson died at Forkfoota on 23rd May 1789.   Forkfoots also appear in the Tweedsmuir recorded where it is recorded that between 1809 and1819 three children were born to John Murray, a shepherd in Forkfoots, and his wife Isabel Jackson.   The earliest census for Scotland was in 1841 and Forkfoots does not appear there indicating that the site was not inhabited at that time.