Talla Railway

Stone Pillars.

On the western hillside of the valley, near Glenveg, opposite the railway bridge there is a distinctive stone pillar that looks as if it should be a memorial to some eminent person. It is in fact a marker for the location (many metres below) of the aquaduct tunnel carrying water from the Talla Reservoir to Edinburgh.  These pillars are indicated on maps as Observation Pillars.   On the OS map of 1908 two such pillars are shown between the railway bridge at Tweedsmuir and the Crook Inn.   The map of 1902/1903 showing the reservoir under construction shows at least five pillars. The map of 1908 also shows an Observation Tower which is obviously larger than the pillars.   This was probably of timber construction with a raised viewing platform accessed by a ladder with a timber finial acting as the Observation Point.   This would be similar to the present day constructions erected over Trig points where tree planting has obscured the view.  These towers double as hides for stalkers, bird watchers etc.